Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management - Beat the market with higher returns

At Sybrant we transform your asset data into actionable insights by consolidating the data of your properties. We understand that portfolio management is an art and science of making decisions about investment mix, allocating assets and balancing risk against performance. We do a SWOT analysis and take into consideration debt versus equity, markets, growth, and safety in order to maximize returns. The goal of an actively managed portfolio is to generate returns in excess of a passive portfolio.
We help you benchmarking the performance of your portfolio against the industry or your peers because without a benchmark, performance has no reference to measure a portfolio's effectiveness. We develop model allocations with the primary focus on the long-term investment objective of the mandate.
We assess the portfolio risk which is a combination of all individual investment risks. Generally, portfolio risk is categorized into two main risks: systematic and unsystematic. The risks generally associated with real estate include, liquidity, unique or unsystematic, market or systematic risk, interest rate, purchasing power, pricing and exchange rate risk.
Monitoring and rebalancing are essential for portfolio management. Even passive investment management requires some monitoring and rebalancing. Monitoring and rebalancing convert the portfolio management process from static to a continuous and dynamic process.
We work with Real estate investment trusts (REITs) and property owners on their portfolio management requirements. We help you monitor and rebalance your portfolio.