Due Diligence

We help our clients understand all aspects of risk contained in a loan file through our Loan Review and Due Diligence services . By doing a comprehensive loan file review, our clients have the accurate information needed to price, acquire and service the properties. We provide extensive reviews that are tailored to your exact needs. Our reviews include validation of critical data points, identification of credit, property valuation, compliance, and fraud risk in specific portfolios.
Sybrant’s thorough and comprehensive review ensures loans were underwritten correctly and highlights all areas of risk for an investor. Our full loan file review includes:
- Credit review / re-underwriting
- Regulatory compliance review
- Predatory lending review
- Fannie Mae compliance review
- Fraud review
- Legal document review
- Data integrity review
We help our clients make better decisions on pricing portfolios and understanding and managing risk. As each client's requirements and expectations are different, we consult with you to customize the scope of each review to meet your goals.